
The Power Consumption Database

... user maintained electricity usage data

Gude EPC-8226-1

Average usage is 2.6 watts

Normal/Idle2.60 watts
Standby2.37 watts
Max3.17 watts
DescriptionLMG95, cycle = 1s, avg=60

Both A+B feed attached, sensor 7202 attached, ethernet attached to DGS-108 switch (support energy efficient ethernet), link = 100 Mbps, Full Duplex, FC OFF; note: forcing to 10 Mbps = +0.13 W; EPC8226 firmware = v1.5.2

Normal/idle display configuration = dark
Maximum = amps displayed in 7-segment-display
Standby = no ethernet connected && display = dark

Utrms = 231V; Itrms = 24.5 mA; PF = 0.456
Submit info2017-10-12 23:47:27

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