
The Power Consumption Database

... user maintained electricity usage data
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
OtherUbiquitiUnifi Access Point AC Lite + PoE Injector4.20
OtherD-LinkDCS-942L4.00 w2017-10-05
OtherUbiquitiCloud Key Gen2+12.95 wunifi-protect.ui.com2020-06-30
OtherGrundfosUPS 32-60 (1)36.77 w2022-09-14
OtherTp LinkTL-WA860RE3.00 wtp-link.com2016-07-22
OtherHuaweiHG8012H3.00 w6.00 wycict.net2020-11-22
OtherAsian Power Devices Inc.WA-36A12R0.07 w2016-11-02
OtherBoschBosch Clever Mixx Whisk19.40 w34.90 w2018-08-28
OtherUbiquitiUAP-AC-M-US3.00 wstore.ui.com2021-11-29
OtherGigasetC610 IP1.20 wheise.de2014-11-19
OtherXiaomiMi Air Purifier1.50 w75.00 wmi.com2017-04-01
OtherEatonDilmp125(rac240)2.30 w150.00 wdatasheet.eaton.com2019-09-15
OtherZTEMC889 5G Outdoor CPE2.40 w5.20 w2023-05-23
OtherIMPNMT mini 20/30-13011.70 w12.00 wpumps.si2022-10-13
OtherHema95360.24 w2023-01-16
OtherEatonPB1D0.03 w2024-11-26
OtherProfilePCF-3400.73 wkarwei.nl2017-07-20
OtherKärcherBR 40/10C Adv1850.00 w2300.00 w2022-05-02
OtherBluewalkerATS 101205438.00 wpowerwalker.com2018-03-28
167 rows

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