
The Power Consumption Database

... user maintained electricity usage data
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
OtherPeplinkBA31015.00 wpeplink.com2016-11-16
OtherLogitechZ-230017.30 w4.20 w2014-02-21
OtherTeacCR-H238i17.70 w0.70 w60.00 w2019-02-01
OtherBoschBosch Clever Mixx Whisk19.40 w34.90 w2018-08-28
OtherPansonicWH-MDC05f3e529.00 w11.00 whaustechnikdialog.de2021-10-15
OtherGrundfosUPS 32-60 (1)35.00 w2022-09-14
OtherGrundfosUPS 32-60 (1)36.77 w2022-09-14
OtherSamsungRL40UGVG Fridge38.30 w90.00 wsamsung.com2016-05-15
OtherRemehaQuinta 6549.00 w10.00 w235.00 wgebruikershandleiding.com2016-11-11
OtherDomoDO442KM54.00 w0.27 w73.00 w2017-11-02
OtherXantrexGT100e79.30 w79.30 w2016-11-17
OtherBissell2052290.00 w0.34 w156.00 w2021-01-24
OtherBissell20522105.00 wbissell.nl2021-01-24
OtherDellPoweredge r710150.00 w270.00 walphr.com2016-08-27
OtherABBPVS-60-TL165.00 w165.00 w2020-01-01
OtherBreimer-RothBDVA 80000239.00 w239.00 w1432.00 w2020-01-01
OtherFestoolKS 60 switch = 1240.00 w1200.00 w2022-09-17
OtherRoborockDyad | WD1S1A260.00 wsupport.roborock.com2022-12-31
OtherTristarAC-5477350.00 w3.00 w395.00 w2019-06-03
OtherFestoolKS 60 switch = 6611.00 w1200.00 w2022-09-17
167 rows

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